How is Readiness Score calculated for rules?

Readiness Score Definition

Readiness Score is a measure that identifies data quality in terms of percentage of clean, meaningful data among all records. It is visible on the "Data Quality" tab for profiled data sources, and it is displayed as "R Score(%)" in tabular views. It is listed as "DQ Score" for individual Data Quality rules. It gives a precise overview to users of the quality of their data and helps them to make relevant decisions.

Readiness Score Calculation

Readiness score is calculated slightly differently for different types of rules. The chart below describes how the score is calculated for each type of DvSum rule. 

Rule Type Readiness Score Calculation
  • Count
  • Count distinct
  • SUM
  1. If the threshold minimum is 0 and the result is less than or equal to 0, then readiness score is 100%.
  2. If the threshold minimum is not 0 and the result is less than or equal to the threshold minimum, then the readiness score is:
    result / threshold minimum
  3. If the result is greater than or equal to 2 times the threshold maximum, then the readiness score is zero.
  4. If the result is greater than or equal to the threshold maximum but less than 2 times the threshold maximum, then the readiness score is:
    (result - threshold maximum) / threshold maximum
  • Blank Check
  • Value Range
  • DAE – Data Analysis Exceptions
  • Size Check
  • MDC Ruleset
  • Orphan Records
  • Cross Dataset
  • Integrity Check
  • Orphan Keys
  • RCL -X-System Reconciliation
  • Document
  • Matching
  • Address Validation
  • Data Format


  1. If there are no exceptions, then the Readiness Score is 100%.
  2. If there are exceptions, then the Readiness Score is calculated as:
    (total records - exception records) / total records
  1. If there are no exceptions, then readiness score is 100%.
  2. If there are exceptions, then readiness score is:
    (total records - exception records) / total records
  3. If the total record count is less than the custom query count, then readiness score is 0%.
  • Compare count
  • Compare Table
  • Compare Custom Query
  • Metric Value not selected on either Target or Reference
  1. If the calculated result is less than or equal to the reference result, then the readiness score is:
    calculated result / reference result
  2. If the calculated result is greater than or equal to 2 times the reference result, then the readiness score is 0%.
  3. If the calculated result is greater than or equal to the reference result, then the readiness score is:
    (calculated result - reference result) / reference result
Rule Count Readiness Score at Dashboard Level:

This shows up in widgets including "Readiness Score by Val Group" and other similar widgets. It is analogous to the calculations above. But it is different because this is a calculation about how many rules have no exceptions rather than how many records have no exceptions.

The "Rule Count Readiness Score" calculation:

(Total rule count - Rules which fail or have exceptions) / Total rule count

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