File upload to DvSum and creating rules on file

File upload requires user to create a folder where a file can be dropped. The idea behind file upload is the reuse-ability of rules on a dataset. In a real life scenario, a user uploads a file and create a source in DvSum which uses that file. That file is then profiled and certain rules are made and executed on it. The report generated by these rules provides important stats to make day-to-day business decisions.

When the data in the file changes, a user simply uploads the new file to the folder and runs the same rules again. This saves user the time of repeating the process of profiling and creating rules again.

Note: This folder should be in the same machine as the SAWS associated with it.

Follow the steps below to upload file and get started:

Step 1: Create Folder

From Administration tab, go to Manage Account > Folders and add a folder. You need to specify folder name, folder path and the associated SAWS. 

Once a folder is added, it will show on the grid and on the file upload page

Step 2: Upload File

File Upload page shows the folders added by all users. If you hover over the folder you created, it will show you the path set for it. Simply add the files in drop-zone and they will be uploaded to the folder. (only excel, csv and txt files are allowed)


Step 3: Add File as Source

Now you can create a source using this excel file from Administration > Manage Sources page.

Specify the path for where the file is (This could be remote location as well where remote SAWS is running). After saving, "Configure" the source and it will open all sheets of excel file. 

Now that the source is added, you can profile it and create DvSum rules on it.


Advanced Option: If you want to apply preprocess properties to file in order to cleanse it before creating rules on it, read the article Excel Cleansing Upon File Upload.

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