Glossary Security Flow Enhancement

Glossary Security Flow will enable users to add or import terms who are Data Stewards of particular domains and sub-domains. Basically, there are Data Domains that contain further Sub-Domains.


Watch this Tutorial to understand the Glossary Security Flow in which the following points are discussed: 

1. Adding a Domain

2. Adding a Sub-Domain

3. Users, User Roles, and access rights

4. Adding Terms


However, you can also follow the steps mentioned below which will help you in analyzing the data.


The following steps are used to add the Terms in the Sub-Domain:

                                          Data Domain ----> Sub-Domain ----->  Glossary Terms



Now the Glossary Admin can assign a particular domain or sub-domain to any other user according to the requirement. The assigned data steward for the domain or sub-domain can only add/import/edit/delete terms in their particular domain or sub-domain resulting in a security enhancement for glossary terms

For the purpose of understanding, let's make a glossary admin and three users:

Bryan ----> Glossary Admin (Can Assign Domain/Sub-domain to Glossary Editors)
Sarah ----> Glossary Editor  (Can be Assigned any Domain/Sub-domain from Glossary Admin)
John -----> Glossary Editor  (Can be Assigned any Domain/Sub-domain from Glossary Admin)
Jacob ----> Glossary Editor (Won't be assigned any domain/sub-domain for explanation)


Bryan's Account (Logged In)


Now Bryan (Glossary Admin), logged into his account and receives a request from Sarah (Glossary Editor) that she wants to add or edit terms in the domain "Finance Department" therefore she needs access to this domain. 

Bryan will then edit the "Finance Department" Domain and add Sarah as the data steward for this particular domain.


Note: Only Glossary Editors/Admins can be added as data stewards and Glossary Viewers or User Groups can not be added as Data Stewards.





As Sarah is the data steward of the domain "Finance Department", she will be added as the data steward of all the sub-domains which are in the Finance Department by default. 


Now, For example, John who is also a glossary editor requests Bryan to give him access to the Sub-domain "Budgeting" which is part of the Domain "Finance Department". So Bryan will edit the Sub-domain "Budgeting" and add John as the data steward for this sub-domain.



Note: John will have only access to this sub-domain "Budgeting" and can not access the other two sub-domains.
Now Sarah who has domain access to the "Finance Department" logs into her account and adds terms for this domain.

Sarah's Account (Logged In)

Sarah will only have access to the sub-domains of the "Finance Department" and she won't be able to see, add, or import terms for other sub-domains.




This Term will be added in the sub-domain "Payroll"


On Mass Update, Sarah will only have access to the domain assigned to her:

Similarly, John logs into his account and decides to add a term in the sub-domain (Budgeting) which is assigned to him. John  can only add, import, edit, or delete terms in the sub-domain for which he is added as data steward:

John's Account (Logged In)




For this explanation, there was another user Jacob who was Glossary Editor but was not assigned any domain or sub-domain so when he goes to the Glossary page and clicks on "Add Term" he will be shown a prompt and the Import button will also be disabled:

Jacob's Account (Logged In)

For Any User who is a viewer of the Glossary, the following will be shown on the Glossary Page:














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